Dear everyone,
Random happenings of this week in no particular order...
A random man was riding his bike by us and so I offered him a card with a picture of Jesus on it. He kept riding by and told us: "Jesus is livin' inside me. That's why I'm exercisin'!"
This from President Anderson's email:
We are uniquely blessed with a wonderful opportunity to bless the lives of others through the wonderful work being done by the youth of our mission as part of the cultural celebration. The Fort Lauderdale Temple dedication marks the first time that the Church is broadcasting a cultural celebration live and on the internet. This means that anyone with a computer or device with internet access can watch and enjoy the cultural celebration next Saturday. Make sure your families and investigators have an opportunity to watch it.
Next Saturday, May 3, 2014 at 7:00 pm EST (be thoughtful of the time difference), the cultural celebration will be broadcast live on the internet at:
Watch it and you may see me and/or people I love here in Florida!
We had a really funny combined lesson with the Assistants (they cover the YSA branch in our area so we pass referrals back and forth a lot) where their investigator didn't show up but ours, the younger brother, did. He is 14 and wants to be a professional wrestler. So the elders created this whole scenario about the Book of Mormon's inclusion of wrestling. What better way to get him interested enough to start reading than telling him about how the wars in the BoM are about people and nations wrestling against each other, and the ones with God on their side always win! What chapter did we assign him to read? Why, Enos 1, of course.
I got to go on a fire exchange (usually about 1.5 hours long, and we go into their area, exchange so one of us is with each of them, and go to whatever appointments or harvesting that they were going to do, with them. Two companionships in one area, woot!) in Lauderhill South, the area that I just left. I ended up going with Sister Porter while Sister Merrill went with Sister Sanchez (I always go with the one that will be teaching a lesson if we are in a Spanish area; otherwise we just go with whichever sister we feel we should!). Right before we got there the sisters had gotten a call from J, who is in the bishopric and also happens to be the uncle of the M family (L, R, and P in case you forgot:). He had talked with R and P and they wanted to get baptized that Sunday! So Sister Porter (who had never met them before) and I went over to teach them. It was so wonderful! I was happy to see them, they were surprised and happy to see me, Sister Porter boldly shared her testimony in Spanish, and they really did have the desire to be baptized. They were baptized and confirmed yesterday. I think that their older sister will soon follow. SOOO HAPPY!!! (Also, breaking news. I just got Sister Ware's weekly email and found out that a former investigator of ours in Hialeah got baptized yesterday too! Miracles abound.)
Our miracle this week is RA. We were trying to follow up with some other people inside a gated community (difficult to get into so you have to build up contacts every time you're inside so that you can return to follow up!), but nobody was home. We had another appointment to get to and were about to leave when we saw this lady just walking out of the building. I didn't have any normal pass-along cards left, just chapel cards, so I invited her to church. She was so excited, and told us she was looking for a church home. None of us had time to stay and talk, but she told us she really wanted us to come back and talk to her more. So we did! We just told her what church was like and told her a little about the Restoration, and she came to church yesterday. She absolutely loved it. We went over last night to explain a little more about temples (that's most of what they talked about at church since the dedication is this coming Sunday!!) and she also asked for a priesthood blessing because she was going into surgery this morning. The elders came over, we taught about priesthood authority, and she felt the Spirit strongly. She is getting baptized on May 11.
Funny story. The same exact spot where we met RA, a couple of days later on Saturday: we were leaving the building again and saw this young man walking along sadly. As soon as we started talking to him he thanked us for coming up to him and told us he had been looking for people our age who did good things, and he knew God had sent us. We invited him to go to YSA the next day, and gave him all the info. We passed his phone number to the YSA elders but the text didn't arrive. Happily, D was motivated and called them so he was able to get a ride and get to church. He told them after Priesthood meeting that he felt spiritually enlightened and intellectually rejuvenated :) He is also getting baptized May 11.
One thing that I loved in the Book of Mormon this week was a realization that I made about 3 Nephi 24:13-18. In verse 15 Christ basically says that pride isn't happiness. I was pondering that and realized that so often pride comes from putting our hearts on things of the world, from desiring things that are of no worth eternally. We may get those things by our own efforts, but what does it profit us? Why should we be proud of those achievements that aren't worth anything really? We have to let go of those things and then we will really be humble because we will see that the things that really matter most come only from God, not from our own efforts.
I love you all!
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When we went to visit that same less-active later in the week a couple of members from the Young Mens' came over to visit him too. One of them had just caught this Cuban Anul from a tree. |